Basic Fundamental Analysis
Technical Analysis And Dow Theory
How To look at the chart
Types of Chart
Trend Analysis
Support and Resistance
Channels and Trendlines
Breakout Theory
Volume And Open Interest
Gap Theory
Moving Average
Candlestick Patterns (15 types)
Introduction to Options
Option Greeks
Time Value & Intrinsic Value
Open Interest & Volumes
Risk Management
Back Spread W/ Call
Back Spead W/ Puts
Covered Call
Long Strangle
Short Stangle
Long Straddle
Short Straddle
Iron Condor Strategy
Long Put Spread
Long Combination
Introduction to Intraday/Swing Trading
ORB Strategy
Multi time frame strategy
Moving Average Strategy
Price Spike & Volume Strategy
Bollinger Band Strategy
Inside/Outside Day Trading Strategies
Aim & Shoot Strategy
Stock Identifaction Tecnique
Introduction to Advance Technical Analysis
Market Prediction based on Waves
Eloitt Waves Rules & Guidelines
Fibonacci Relationship
Pattern Recognition
Counting of waves
Theory Interpretation
Identify Trend & Identify Target
Trading using Gann Angles
Moon Cycle & Connection with stock market
Natural Time Cycle
Clouding & Seeding